Traffic Alerts Dec. 2016
Please note the following traffic alerts for the weekend of Dec. 10th and 11th. Saturday Dec. 10, 2016: Barb’s 5K and Kids Run Assembly: at 8 AM, runners will be…
DetailsPlease note the following traffic alerts for the weekend of Dec. 10th and 11th. Saturday Dec. 10, 2016: Barb’s 5K and Kids Run Assembly: at 8 AM, runners will be…
DetailsSept. 2-5: DragonCon, downtown. Avoid driving through downtown this weekend if possible.
DetailsFilming on south end of Myrtle between Ponce and North this Friday, 7-8-16.
DetailsTenth St. (10th St.) will undergo repaving starting on July 5th.
DetailsThe Peachtree Road Race is setting up now and will run on July 4th.
DetailsPlease take a moment to view the presentation showcasing the Atlanta Police Department’s positive works for the last two months.
DetailsThe Moon Ride Festival will be in Piedmont Park meadow from 6 pm until 11 pm.
DetailsEnforcement of the new residential permit parking programs will begin May 16.
DetailsThe 80th Annual Atlanta Dogwood Festival is this weekend, April 8 -10 in Piedmont Park. Nearly 100,000 visitors are expected to attend. Set up for the festival may impact both 10th Street (vehicular and bike lanes) and Charles Allen Drive this week.
Additionally, there will be rolling lane closures the morning of Saturday, April 9th at 8am to accommodate runners in the Atlanta Dogwood Festival Mimosa 5K.
DetailsEach year, the City of Atlanta conducts a survey to learn what residents think about their city government