One of the primary responsibilities of the MNA Safety Committee is the operation of proactive, vigilant patrols for the Midtown Garden District and Old Midtown.
Are you wondering which part of Midtown you live in?
Have you seen both MNA Safety and Midtown Blue trucks and you don’t know who you call?
Our neighborhood is unique. The Midtown neighborhood has three sections: Midtown Improvement District, Midtown Garden District, and Old Midtown. Each area has specifically identified boundaries. The MNA Safety Committee and Midtown Blue work alongside one another to ensure that our entire community is patrolled and safer for people who live, work and play in Midtown.
If you live in the Midtown Garden District or Old Midtown, your active patrol unit is MNA Safety Patrol.
If you live in the Midtown Improvement District, your active patrol unit is Midtown Blue.