To purchase raffle tickets, please bring one of the following:
- state-issued driver’s license;
- state-issued identification card; OR
- passport.
All forms of ID need to prove age of 18 years or older to participate.

This is a different process than I remember. Why?
In previous years (2014 – 2017), Live Nation, the organizer of Music Midtown, offered and distributed a limited number of tickets (100 pairs of tickets) as a goodwill gesture to residents on 10th (and in 2017, also 9th) Street. Unfortunately, this process became unmanageable for Live Nation for the following reasons:
- Not all impacted residents on 9th and 10th Streets could be given tickets. There are many more residents on 9th and 10th Streets than the allocated 100 pairs of tickets, leading to challenges about how to determine who receives them and discontent among residents that could not be allocated tickets.
- The first come-first serve distribution process was perceived as unfair to some residents.
- Residents in other areas of Midtown, for example Post Parkside, are also greatly impacted but were not eligible for tickets.
For Live Nation, trying to decide who is most impacted and how to fairly distribute tickets to them became too complex and unmanageable.
In 2018, Live Nation approached MNA and offered the 200 general admission 2-day passes to our organization with the thought that we are the Midtown civic association and therefore we would be best to distribute them responsibly and be able to inform the residents about the process and reasoning.
Why has MNA chosen to run a raffle to distribute the ticket donation?
Once again, for 2022, Live Nation has donated (200) 2-day general admission tickets to Midtown as a gesture of goodwill. The MNA Board voted to support the raffle and assigned the project management to an internal MNA Raffle Team. This is a complex process and MNA has undertaken it in order to preserve this benefit for the community rather than declining the donated tickets.
By operating a raffle, MNA can increase the potential proceeds from the fundraiser. Each year, MNA can potentially raise as much as $20,000.00. These funds can be allocated to important efforts such as:
- capital infrastructure improvements like sidewalk repair, improved signage, and trash cans;
- MNA Safety Patrols and important enhancements to our patrol truck; and
- a donation to our neighbor, Midtown High School, for their critical technology program.
MNA is striving to organize and operate a professional Music Midtown ticket raffle for all residents of Midtown. It is our hope that this will be embraced by the whole community as a positive step forward in transparency and fairness and improve neighborhood awareness, appreciation, and participation in MNA.
Why did Live Nation approach MNA regarding ticket allocation?
After managing ticket allocation itself from 2014-2017, Live Nation decided that determining who is most impacted and how to fairly distribute tickets to them became too complex and unmanageable for their organization. Since MNA is officially recognized by the City of Atlanta as the civic association representing Midtown residents, Live Nation donated the tickets to MNA with no conditions. We are striving to preserve this ticket benefit from Live Nation for Midtown, improve the process from previous years, and maximize longer-term benefits for our community.
In my opinion, Music Midtown should not be held in Piedmont Park. Why is this approved?
This is a question for MNA’s License and Permits Committee or our Councilmen, Amir Farokhi and Alex Wan. As the raffle organizers, we are not able to answer this question.
The first step in handling this raffle ethically was separating the two parts of the Music Midtown process for MNA: festival application review and ticket distribution strategy. The MNA Music Midtown ticket raffle is being conducted by a small task force of MNA Board Members and separate from the work of the License and Permit Committee.
MNA License and Permit Committee
District 2 Councilman, Amir Farokhi
District 6 Councilman, Alex Wan
Doesn’t MNA approve the permit for Music Midtown festival? Does this create a conflict of interest or opportunity for a quid pro quo arrangement?
The MNA LPC reviews festival applications on behalf of NPU-E to facilitate best outcomes for Midtown. The MNA does not have the authority to approve or deny the Music Midtown festival permit application. After working with event organizers to try to achieve the best outcome for Midtown, the MNA LPC votes to “oppose” or “not oppose” the festival permit application and that decision is passed on to NPU-E. NPU-E reviews MNA LPC’s recommendation and executes its own superseding vote/recommendation which is passed to the City of Atlanta. The final decision to allow or disallow a permit application is made only by The City of Atlanta.
In order to allay any concerns about a conflict of interest, and in the interest of transparency, the MNA Board Members organizing the raffle are separate and not involved with the MNA LPC application review of Music Midtown. They have recused themselves from any LPC and MNA Board votes related to Music Midtown.
Is this raffle legal?
The Midtown Neighbors’ Association (MNA) is a non-profit (501c3) organization. The MNA applied for and received a raffle license from the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Bonding Administration to conduct a raffle.
Are there tax implications for MNA or the winners?
Based on counsel from legal and accounting professionals, conducting the raffle or receiving tickets as a winner does not constitute a taxable event. As always, you should consult your own accountant for specific advice on your tax liabilities.
Once the raffle has concluded, MNA will consult with our accountant to ensure that we operate in accordance with all applicable tax reporting requirements.
Are the board members or other individuals receiving cash or in-kind support or compensation for their efforts?
No. MNA Board Members involved with the raffle are making significant efforts to mitigate conflicts of interest, as well as seeking legal and accounting consultation on best practices and proper permit filing. Board Member efforts for the MNA, including the raffle process, are voluntary and do not include any cash or in-kind support or compensation.
To further reinforce our desire for transparency and fairness, MNA Board Members are not eligible to participate in the raffle.
How will raffle revenue be spent?
The potential proceeds from the raffle could reach $20,000. The MNA Board will provide an accounting for all proceeds use and will utilize raffle proceeds for the following:
- capital infrastructure improvements like sidewalk repair, improved signage, and trash cans;
- support of MNA Safety Patrols and enhancements to our patrol truck; and
- a donation to our neighbor, Grady High School, for their critical technology campaign.
Raffle organizers are volunteer, elected Midtown residents and MNA Board Members. No cash or in-kind support has been or will be accepted by any member of the Board for their support of or organization of the raffle.
To further reinforce our desire for transparency and fairness, MNA Board Members are not eligible to participate in the raffle.
What is the raffle structure?
Up to 1000 raffle tickets will be sold at $20 each. We will be raffling off (200) 2-day general admission Music Midtown tickets. Up to 2 raffle tickets can be purchased per person.
Who is eligible to purchase raffle tickets?
Any person over the age of 18 presenting a valid ID is eligible. Eligible residents may purchase up to two raffle tickets.
What are the odds of winning a Music Midtown general pass?
Odds vary depending on the total number of raffle tickets sold. Assuming all 1000 raffle tickets are sold, the odds are as follows:
If you buy one (1) MNA raffle ticket, your odds of winning one (1) Music Midtown general pass are 20%.
If you buy two (2) MNA raffle tickets, your odds of winning one (1) Music Midtown general pass are 36%.
How do I purchase a raffle ticket?
Tickets are a minimum $20 donation each, payable by credit or debit card only. Cash will not be accepted. No taxes will be due. Up to two tickets per person may be purchased. After verifying you are eligible to purchase a ticket, we will collect the donation, record your name, email address, mailing address, ticket number, and give you a ticket stub.
Can Live Nation influence the raffle?
No. Live Nation donated the tickets to MNA with no conditions.
What will happen to Music Midtown tickets in the event that winning raffle ticket owners do not redeem them or less than 200 raffle tickets are sold?
The tickets will remain unallocated and in Live Nation’s possession.
Can I directly buy or receive a Music Midtown ticket from MNA?
No. MNA is organizing a raffle. Winners will pick-up tickets from Music Midtown Will Call after presenting their photo ID that matches the name on the winning raffle ticket. Pick-up instructions will be provided to winners following the drawing via email and on the MNA website. MNA will not ever be in possession of Music Midtown tickets.
I have questions or concerns that are not addressed here. Who can I contact?
Please email us.