Lidl, a chain of international grocery stores that has been expanding throughout Europe for over 40 years, is proposing a single-use development on the 1.25 acre site located on Ponce de Leon Avenue between Penn Avenue and Argonne Avenue (272 Ponce de Leon Avenue.) From their corporate website, “Lidl currently operates around 12,000 stores and more than 200 goods distribution and logistics centers in 31 countries, offering top-quality food and non-food products at the best price.” The project is currently proposed to be a two story, 34,000 sq ft grocery store including deck parking located underneath a one-story, on grade grocery store. The store entrance will be located on the southeastern corner adjacent to Argonne Avenue. Vehicles will currently enter on both the east and west sides of the property via Argonne Avenue and Penn Avenue, respectively. MNA is working with the development team to discuss design elements, neighborhood impact, and construction concerns. The project is not currently required to seek a rezoning decision for this use as a C-2 parcel. The project is not currently seeking any variances for the design as proposed today.

MNA reached out to the Lidl development team in late August to inquire about their intention for a project after learning it was under contract with their company for a direct purchase. The project is not currently seeking any rezoning or variance requests. The property is zone C-2 and Lidl is currently planning to develop to C-2 zoning requirements. If the project proceeds in this way, they will not be required to seek NPU-E or MNA review.
Even without the requirement, the development team committed to meeting with a small group of MNA’s leadership to present the plans and discuss community needs and expectations for the design. Two informational meetings have taken place – the first in September 2021 and a second meeting in July 2022. We anticipate and hope these meetings will continue so that the community can be a part of this major change to the Ponce de Leon corridor.
Following the Midtown community discussion during the August Land Use meeting, MNA compiled remarks and open-ended questions to continue a discussion about the project design with the development team, city planning, and our elected officials. Midtown neighbors have our greatest appreciation for joining that community discussion and/or sending us direct feedback to help inform our response.
A letter outlining our concerns with the proposed design including suggestions for further study or suggested design modifications was delivered to all stakeholders. You can review this letter here. Please continue to send any further comments or questions to
With the letter, we requested another meeting with the developer and are awaiting confirmation from their project team. We continue to reach out to Council Member Farokhi, DCP’s Office of Zoning and Development and Office of Design, and GDOT to continue to advocate for thoughtful and efficient design that addresses today’s demands and the growth we see coming tomorrow.
We believe as residents of Midtown, we have a right to engage and comment on the development that shapes and affects our community. Since this project is not currently slated to require NPU review, we appreciate the development team being willing to work with MNA. We hope to continue this collaborative working relationship to maximize this project for the greatest benefit to our community.
If you would like to make a comment or voice a concern, you have the following options:
You can attend MNA LUC meetings or email the Land Use Committee Chairman with questions and concerns.
You are always able to reach out directly to our councilman that represents this area of Midtown:
District 2: Amir Farokhi (project resides in District 2)
An impact statement can be written to support a project or used to voice specific concerns. If you would like to submit an impact statement, we encourage you to share your statement with:
MNA’s Land Use Committee, Scott Cullen