What makes a great MNA Board Member?
Every year, we have the benefit of an election that can bring fresh perspective and energy to our leadership team. Whether you’ve lived in Midtown for two years or twenty, a strong love for Midtown and a dedication to your board position will make you a great fit for our team. Board Members should believe in the importance of community engagement and the prioritization of resident needs in city business. Positivity and critical thinking skills are a must. Our discussions can be complex. Building a team of collaborative, joyful, sharp leaders that approach problem solving with an open mind is what produces the best outcomes for our community.
How does MNA give back to you as a Board Member?
Serving our community through the MNA Board of Directors means becoming a highly engaged resident and an integral part of our team. As a Board Member, you will be part of important discussions that shape the function and growth of the Midtown Neighborhood. Even more rewarding, you will develop lasting friendships with other Board Members and Committee teams. Through MNA, you will get to know important decision makers at the city and state level and further develop your understanding of how our complex municipality works. You will get to know APD Commanders, City Council Members, elected State officials, and representatives from our city departments like DPW, Parks and Recreation, LRB, AMOFE, and MOSE. Don’t know those acronyms? You will! Being part of the MNA Board will require time but it will be time well-spent and pay dividends for years to come. Many of our Board Members serve multiple terms. We consider that a 4-star review!
What does the MNA Board of Directors do?
MNA’s Board of Directors is comprised of elected Midtown resident leaders that are entrusted with fulfilling the mission and vision of our organization. Through overseeing the work of the organization’s committees, nurturing critical community partnerships, and promoting connection among residents, being a Board Member is about loving Midtown.
MNA is the recognized 501-(c)3 civic association representing Midtown residents and the MNA Board of Directors acts as a critical liaison to the City of Atlanta. Working for Midtown for over 50 years, MNA’s Board of Directors stays on the forefront of important issues that affect residents. We inform the community and find solutions that prioritize resident perspective. Various members of our Board of Directors represent the Midtown Neighborhood on City of Atlanta committees and task forces including serving on the NPU-E Board. A representative of the MNA Board of Directors also serves on the Midtown Alliance Board and Midtown Development Review Committee.
Each month, the MNA Board meets to review activity in Midtown over the last 30 days. The topics will vary throughout the year and cover a wide spectrum ranging from safety issues and education campaigns to annual MNA events to discussing proposed city and state legislation to creating new community programming. We review all Midtown Neighborhood Land Use applications and licenses and permits. The Board votes to ratify the recommendations of the committees. The agenda for each month’s meeting is set by the President.
Throughout each month, each member of the Board is expected to contribute to a committee either through strong support as a committee member or by serving as Chairperson. Committee Chairpersons are appointed by the President. Once elected to the Board, the President will connect with each new member to discuss where their Midtown passion lies and connect them with the right committee for their support.
How is the MNA Board of Directors structured?
Per our bylaws, MNA’s Board of Directors must have a minimum of one (1) member and a maximum of fifteen (15) members. Each year, following the general Board elections, Board Members elect five Executive Officers to fill the role of President, Vice President – Civic, Vice President – Community, Vice President – Finance and Vice President – Communications. Each of the remaining Board Members is expected to join one of our incredible MNA committees.
What is the election process?
If you are interested in joining the election, you must submit an application by January 29, 2025. Submission can be completed by email and please include a high resolution photo.
MNA will continually update our candidate page to provide MNA members with as much time as possible to learn about the candidates in advance of the vote. We encourage applicants to submit as soon as possible.
Per our bylaws, MNA’s Board of Directors are elected at the annual meeting in January of each year. This year the annual meeting will take place on 1/30/25.
Each elected Board member will serve a two-year term. The elections are staggered. Each year, approximately 50% of the Board is newly elected with the remaining 50% serving the second year of their term. For 2025, MNA will be electing to fill seven (7) open Board seats. Voting will be conducted by digital ballot following a brief presentation of the candidates at the annual meeting. MNA members will receive an email with a link to their digital ballot. Voting will remain open for 24 hours.
Only current members of MNA may vote in the Board election. In 2018, MNA restructured membership with each membership qualifying for one vote. If you would like to vote in the election, join MNA online today. Only those members paid in full at the release of the digital ballot will be able to vote.
What are the requirements to serve on the Board?
Per our bylaws, all MNA Board Members must be current MNA members. To be an MNA member, you must live or own property within the boundaries of the Midtown Neighborhood.
While we prefer that you have at least one year of committed work on one of our committees before joining the Board, it is not a requirement.
If elected, you should expect to dedicate a minimum of 8 – 10 hours per month to MNA. The MNA Board meets monthly for approximately 2 hours.
Each Board Member will either serve as an Executive Officer, on a MNA committee, or as an At Large Member. Responsibilities will vary depending on the nature of each Board role and some positions will require greater than 10 hours per month. It is important that all applicants understand this requirement and ensure they have the bandwidth to successfully support the organization prior to being elected. Committee Chairpersons and At Large positions are appointed by the President. After the election, the President will work with each Board Member to ensure they are pursuing their Midtown passion and with an appropriate expectation of the time commitment to achieve success for the community.