What does it mean to love our Midtown neighborhood?
To love my Midtown neighborhood is to take pride in the uniqueness, diversity, and history of this neighborhood and honoring it by helping shape it for the future.
What unique qualities do you offer that will continue the positive growth and work of MNA?
To add to above, I believe in the creation of a sense of community with our neighbors through social events that make a neighborhood of 20,000+ feel like home.
How are you a good Midtown neighbor today?
I am an advocate not only as a resident but as a REALTOR who works in this neighborhood and shares my love for Midtown with my clients and friends – or anyone who asks, honestly.
Where would you like to see progress in our community?
Of course, a sense of safety is tops. In a neighborhood frequented by visitors – we have an obligation to play a big part in shaping how we create a safe place to live, a vibrant place to play, and a welcoming space to our guests. That balance is the progress I like to see and be a part of.