On the heels of a week’s worth of collecting special recyclables to celebrate America Recycles Day, November 15th, the City of Atlanta is preparing for another week of activities to honor Earth Day on April 22nd with the theme “Earth Day Every Day”. Earth Day was first observed in 1970 as Senator Gaylord Nelson aspired to focus the momentum of the anti-war sentiment towards environmental protection. This movement led to the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency and subsequent passing of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts. Earth Day is now a globally celebrated holiday that has now extended into Earth Week, a full week of events focused on green awareness.
You can celebrate Earth Day every day with the City of Atlanta by recycling in your home. The City of Atlanta currently accepts the following items curbside: household paper, cardboard, plastics #1-5 and 7, glass, and metal cans. Recycling should be placed loosely in your bin, not bagged, and should be clean and dry. You can also celebrate Earth Day with the Recycling Team by bringing recycling out to Recycle Day at The Mall West End the third Saturday of each month from 9-noon. Items accepted are: tires, clothing, electronics, polystyrene, single-stream items, and paper for shredding. Join the City of Atlanta as we celebrate Earth Day Every Day. Get rewarded for recycling by joining Recycling Perks www.atlantaga.gov/recycling.
FUN FACT If every one of the City of Atlanta’s 96,000 single family households recycled just one glass bottles it would save enough energy to power a laptop computer for 201,600 hours. That is 23 years!