What does it mean to love our Midtown neighborhood?
To love your neighborhood is a complete feeling of truly being home. When a simple stroll down your street or a passing conversation with a neighbor gives you the warm feeling of comfort and security, you know you are where you are supposed to be. Midtown is that feeling for me. Before I moved here, I never experienced being “homesick”. Over the past years my family and I have established our village here. Our best friends literally live within blocks from us here in Midtown. Serving on the MNA Board is a perfect way to give back to this community that has given us so much.
What unique qualities do you offer that will continue the positive growth and work of MNA?
I spent the last two decades serving as a firefighter in Marietta. During that time, I served that community in many ways. From public relations, code enforcement, and emergency services to leading teams to complete projects and develop programs.
How are you a good Midtown neighbor today?
I hope others think I’m a good neighbor! I’m always first to help others with house projects, landscaping, or any general heavy lifting that’s needed. I served on the MNA board a few years ago as the Safety “Captain”. My family is close with several residents of Midtown and we are always hoping to expand our village.
Where would you like to see progress in our community?
I truly feel our community is headed in the right direction and MNA is leading that charge. With the right people in place and this continued momentum, Midtown will only continue to be the best place to live in Atlanta. I would like to see the trends of improved safety, beatification, and closer community continue.